Friday, September 26, 2008

It’s an ambush.. run away run away...

Well now what are we gonna do? Just when we thought all was going fine.... bam!! It's an ambush. While I am sure all those fine government officials are all looking out for our best interests....RIGHT! "I have an idea! Let's just propose an entirely different plan and we can just argue about whose plan is better until the entire economy falls flat on it's face. Then no one will get the blame for making the wrong decision and we will get elected next year just because we tried our best." The only thing wrong with that idea is no one will be able to vote BECAUSE WE CAN'T AFFORD TO PUT GAS IN OUR CARS TO GET TO THE POLLS!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

As the Economy Churns

As predicted there has been a good share of political posturing. If the resolution of this potential calamity so important, shouldn't the people who say they are putting country before self restrain from putting a fly in the ointment after the 'historical bipartisan' meeting was held? Not stating there were issues that needed to be addressed after the meeting was over and he said there was nothing else he wanted to discuss? Is this the kind of person we need as our President?

I am still predicting a last hour saving of our economy. Well, THEY will say it has been saved, but at whose and what cost? Even 250 billion dollars will cause our taxes to go up. Big business will shift the diverse effects to the the front lines of the companies, meaning jobs will be lost and less will be opening.

There is talk of steps to take help homeowners fight off foreclosure, but that does not do anything for those of us who have already lost our homes.This does not address the situation, but one of the symptoms of the situation and is only a crumb thrown to us "little people" to appease us by making us think they are doing something for us.

There is talk of another "Stimulous Program" to help jump start the economy. This is just an extension of the big business bailout. The government will be taking that stimulous check back in the form of higher taxes to pay for the bailout, not just next year, but for the rest of our lives and our children and grandchildren and so on an so on..... They will also be passing the cost on to us in the form of higher prices for everything.

Everyone will try to take credit for saving the world, which will take our attention away from the fact that it was them who put us in this situation in the first place. They will thank us for being such good sports and praise us for our strength, courage and wisdom, while they reach into our pockets and take food off our tables and make our dreams that much harder to achieve. The scary part of it is, most of them actually believe what they say! They think we are standing on our front porch with our hands on our hearts, saluting them and thanking them for doing such a great job.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Posturing and Manipulating

While the President and Congress "haggle" over what is needed to curtail the current crisis, when actually each is just posturing to try to be crowned as the one who saved the world just in time, Wall Street is playing "hard to get", trying to get what they want. In the mean time we, the ones who are expected to foot the bill for this mess, sit ringside, wringing our hands, wondering if the sky is really falling.

If it is, we need to really reconsider the people we have elected to run our country. How could they allow it to get this far and why are they squabbling over pork barrels when disaster is just around the corner?

If it isn't we need to really reconsider the people we have elected to run our country. How could they give us the gloom and doom, end of the world as we know it scare, just to make themselves look good?

Either way, we end up the losers. Of course they will all try to paint us as the heroes who saved the economy. Without our courage and unselfish contribution, we certainly would have suffered a plight worse than ..... well ........... a really bad thing. Actually, we are the pawns big business and government are using to build themselves up more, while pushing us down lower in the social economic scheme.

As a result of our "courage", there will be higher taxes, rapid inflation and fewer raises at our level, because the top of the business pyramid will always come first in business - corporate -government America. So expect your standard of living to drop a notch or two, (Not that mine could drop much more, but there is always the "cardboard box house".) while the ones who really put us in this mess keep all they acquired while they raped, pillaged and plundered.

Bailout Blues

Wall Street was elated when the government talked about bailing all the financial institutions out and stocks soared..................... for a day. Then they found out there was going to be conditions on the bailout. Uncle Sam was not going to just pay off everything for them and slap them on the wrist, so now Wall Street is throwing a hissy fit and stocks took a plunge and oil prices soared.

Let me get this straight? Uncle Sam deregulated, and the financial institutions were like a kid in a candy store. Through lax lending practices and risky, irresponsible investing they drove the economy to the brink of disaster. They have put millions and millions of dollars in their pockets at our expense. Now we are going to bail them out and they are upset about it? They kept putting their hands in the cookie jar until it was empty and now they are "anxious" about us saving their butts? How much money are these fat cats going to give back to help this situation? How badly do you think this "bailout" is going to affect them. They may have to get domestic cavier?

The rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Economic Meltdown

First, I want to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. You see, I am probably the one to blame for the current state of affairs of our nations economy. The domino effect, that has caused our nations economic well-being to fall into a spiral out of control, was initially caused by bankers risky mortgage practices, whose monies in said mortgages were unwisely invested into even riskier investments in the markets. When the disproportionately inflating housing market eventually burst, the ensuing foreclosure from the previously mentioned risky mortgages has put Wall Street into an almost unprecedented nosedive.

In the ensuing decline Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac required government intervention to stay afloat, Lehman Brothers has been forced into bankruptcy, Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch, saving if from impending doom and AIG is getting a shot in the arm to the grand total of 85 billion dollars to save it as well. I also have heard that Washington Mutual is the next bank that may see its neck on the chopping block.
That is when it clicked!

In 1995 I got a mortgage from Washington Mutual. I had no money and had terrible credit and was in now way worthy of getting a loan, but they gave me one. Not only did they give me a mortgage, but it was a 100% ARM loan. Of course, not being credit worthy in the first place and having no money, at the first sign of monetary difficulties, I fell behind on my payments. I tried to catch up my payments, but was not able to and when the ARM matured and my payments increased dramatically there was no way I could make them, so I lost my home to foreclosure. Shortly after that, this whole economic blow-out takes place. I am not one to run from my responsibilities. When I have done something wrong, I am always man enough to take my punishment, but I do have a couple questions.

1. The financial industry, the Fed and the government have seen this coming for at least 10 years. Why weren’t they more proactive in preventing it? Is there anyone in Washington strong enough to take the bull by the horns and do the right thing?
2. Instead of giving all these companies billions of dollars to save them, why didn’t they give that money to the people losing their homes? That way those people would still have their homes, the companies would not be in trouble, our economy would be stronger and I would not feel so guilty for having starting this whole thing.

Our country is seeing the middle class slowly diminish, while the government stands by and watches. Is there nothing we can do to stop it?

Friday, September 5, 2008


So I started taking an IQ test in this facebook thing and when I got to the end it asked for my cell phone number to fax me my score. Why couldn't they just give it to me? Then I had to enter a secret PIN in like 15 seconds, while clicking the box that says I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the site I was using. Now to read the Terms and Conditions would take about 5 minutes minimum, yet they gave me 15 seconds to click on the agree box? I don't think sooooooo