Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thank you Lord

I had a long discussion the other day with a friend about our directions in life and something occurred to me. I had taken my eye off the prize. As a Christian, my goal should be to follow Christ's teachings and strive to be as Him and foremost to obey His final command, to go out into the world, teaching and living His Word so that others may hear it and receive salvation through Him.

With everything going on in this country and the world, I have allowed myself to be sidetracked. I have been so concerned with my needs and wants that I have selfishly ignored Him and the many blessings He continues to pour on me. So I want to take this time to thank Him.

Thank you Lord for giving me the most wonderful wife I could ever ask for. She is loving, caring, understanding and always by my side, working with me and building me up when I am down.

Thank you Lord for giving me 4 wonderful children who love me and brighten my life so much. I pray that you guide me to be the example I need to be for them to follow to bless their lives.

Thank you Lord for giving me shelter. You have seen that I never have been without a roof over my head, even when my decisions are not the best. You are always watching over me.

Thank you Lord for giving me food to eat. When there are people starving around the world you have been merciful enough to me to see that I always have food.

Thank you Lord for having patience with me when I don't do the things I should and I pray to do Your will in my life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord

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