Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thank you Lord

I had a long discussion the other day with a friend about our directions in life and something occurred to me. I had taken my eye off the prize. As a Christian, my goal should be to follow Christ's teachings and strive to be as Him and foremost to obey His final command, to go out into the world, teaching and living His Word so that others may hear it and receive salvation through Him.

With everything going on in this country and the world, I have allowed myself to be sidetracked. I have been so concerned with my needs and wants that I have selfishly ignored Him and the many blessings He continues to pour on me. So I want to take this time to thank Him.

Thank you Lord for giving me the most wonderful wife I could ever ask for. She is loving, caring, understanding and always by my side, working with me and building me up when I am down.

Thank you Lord for giving me 4 wonderful children who love me and brighten my life so much. I pray that you guide me to be the example I need to be for them to follow to bless their lives.

Thank you Lord for giving me shelter. You have seen that I never have been without a roof over my head, even when my decisions are not the best. You are always watching over me.

Thank you Lord for giving me food to eat. When there are people starving around the world you have been merciful enough to me to see that I always have food.

Thank you Lord for having patience with me when I don't do the things I should and I pray to do Your will in my life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord

Monday, October 20, 2008

Psychic Internet

Okay, so I am online and this screen says on the internet, "Who will you marry, Click Here." and I am freakin' out!! First because how does the internet know who I am going to marry and second because I am already married. I am afraid to click on the site because what if I married the wrong person? I am so happy with my wife and I really don't want to have to switch break in another one..... again! And what if the internet says I was wrong? Will the I-Police come and arrest me? Will I spend time in cyber prison? Is this what the movie The Matrix was all about? I am sort of suspicious about the thing though, because I have never recieved the free laptop the internet keeps telling me I won and I have not gotten any of the money the government is supposed to be holding for me to claim. I did get a nice email from the man in Nigeria who wanted to share 300 million dollars with me, but because I did not have a valid MasterCard or Visa to give him the number, pin number and passwords to, he was unable to transfer to funds to me. What a bummer! I could have been a millionaire if I had only kept my credit card up to date. Well, I had better go now. I just got another email from a poor widow in China who needs all my bank account numbers and passwords so we can share in her dead husband's estate.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Save the World Plan B

Okay, let’s try this again. Apparently 700 Billion dollars is not enough? Big business wants us to trust them and start spending money, when they don’t even trust each other enough to lend money to each other? The media spouts off that we are heading for a certain recession, if not a depression, so people start hording and saving their money. Because people are hording their money and not spending it, big business takes another dive in the market. Then since the market keeps falling, the media spouts off that we are heading for a …. You get the picture? Does the term “vicious cycle” mean anything to you?

Somebody has to take the bull by the horns and take control to stop this downward spiral before the last straw is applied. Throwing money at the problem and standing back to see what happens does not seem to be the answer. The bottomless pit will never be filled. There needs to be a bottom applied.

I have heard it said the biggest fear for people who have lots of money is that someday they will lose it. So it is not surprising that throwing money at people who have a lot of money in a situation where they could stand to lose a substantial part of their security blanket, if not all of it, does not help issues any. I am talking about the big companies, their executives, stock holders and politicians. They are the ones who need to act to get our economies rolling again. Who wins if we are subjected to a long, drawn out “economic cleansing” that will affect everyone worldwide? Who sacrifices the most? The lower and middle classes do. The ones who are living paycheck to paycheck, two paychecks away from losing everything they own. Sure big business will take hits, but they will minimize their losses by cutting jobs, which again hits home in the lower and middle classes. In the short run and in the long run it will be an inconvenience to big business, but their lifestyle will not suffer nearly as much as what is now referred to as “Main Street”, yet it is Main Street who is expected to take the brunt of what has openly been admitted is Wall Street’s fault. Billions of dollars has offered to big business. They have accepted it with open arms, but did they move forward, freeing credit and putting confidence back into the air? Of course not, they are clinging to that money, fearful to take a step. Plan A is not working, so now we need Plan B.

Plan B

Either government, or the markets, world wide need to freeze the markets. No buying or selling until things are fixed. That way, those fearful of losing their money on paper can breathe easy for the time that they are not going to lose. This will also make them do something, so they can get back to making money again.

Put the 700 Billion in escrow, collecting interest, to insure bank’s loans to each other and unfreeze commercial credit. This will enable businesses to resume day to day operations and new businesses to get started. This will also enable people to keep their jobs, which will help cash flow in the economy.

Here is where the tricky part comes in. Big business and government need to take a long look at how much profits they are making. Inflation has outpaced earnings far too long and “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer” bubble has finally popped. Whether it is cut backs in top official’s earnings, lower dividends on stocks, having board meetings at corporate offices instead of tropical resorts, whatever it takes, the sacrifices have to be made at the top, without repercussions within the companies to the rank and file. Those savings needs to be passed on to the consumers in the form or lower prices and interest rates. This will install confidence on Main Street that “They” are serious about fixing the problem and the economy will pick up again. It also puts the sacrifices on those who were responsible for the problem in the first place.

Financial institutions need to address those facing foreclosure by offering new terms with lower FIXED interest rates. The government will recoup losses taken in the refinancing with funds from the 700 Billion dollar escrow account in exchange for a proportionate share in the bank until the monies have been repaid with interest. Making mortgages affordable for those who are hurting will not only keep those people in their homes, but those people will be continue to help adding to the economy going forward instead of being another drain on it.

If we go into a recession or depression the world will suffer for years to come. Plan B would circumvent virtually all of the suffering. The question is, “Are they willing to make the sacrifices they are asking us to make?”

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Off the political platform

I am taking a break from politics for a while. It seems the polititians are not listening to me anyway. :(

I am looking into starting an open mic night here at the Super Super 8 upstairs in the meeting room. I am checking with ASCAP and BMI to see if there are any licensing requirements, as I intend for the night to be for original songwriters, like myself, but I am sure there will be copies played as well. I like to dip back into my collection of oldies from the 60's and 70's.

Anywho, I will need to save to get some equipment also, but I think it will be, at least for me, fun. I used to attend Knoxville Songwriters Association meetings here and will get in touch with them. I know most would like a forum where they can play and get feedback to their material.

Really this is just a way for me to get back on stage and play. lol laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, October 6, 2008

Solution to the Crisis

The solution to the financial crisis that is now not only jeopardizing our own economy, but now seemingly the world's apparently will not be fixed by throwing 700 billion dollars at it. The financial institutions that begged so much for that money to free up drying credit, so they can lend money to each other, now have concerns about consumer confidence and growth in economies. Given Wall Street screwed up and brought us to the brink of catastrophe and our leaders on Main Street seem more interested in their own careers than in saving us, what kind of confidence do you think we will have?

It seems the big business, big money and all those involved with that level are determined to push us into a recession. Risky lending and investing practices that resulted from our leaders not keeping eye on them has pushed us to the point where SOMEONE has to give. And “they” are not giving up one penny back from what they worked so hard to get from us.

Inflation, rising gas prices, inflated interest rates and decreased earnings have put the crush on Main Street and the only way to restore confidence in us is to loosen up the vice. Does it make sense those employees of companies pay rates are raising at less than inflation, while inflation is based on the price of their products sold? Profits are down in most companies because we can not afford to buy what we work so hard to make. Why is this? It is because the people at the top of businesses and stock holders are overstuffing their pockets.

To install confidence in consumers, big business needs to take a long, hard look at how much they are raking in and cut that by a reasonable percent and give it back to Main Street in the form of lower, more affordable prices and interest rates. Then there will be a return to consumer spending and economic growth.

The economy is controlled from the bottom up. If no one is buying, or able to buy, everyone suffers. Big business is too concerned in making as much money as quickly as possible for its investors and controlling officers that it is cutting off the lifeline that feeds it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't Cry for Me Argentina

For every decision I make, there is a consequence. I am responsible for my decisions, therefore I accept the consequences. Some may think I am complaining about my life, but that is not so. I actually am not at all displeased with my life. I am blessed with a loving, caring and beautiful wife and four wonderful children who love me very much. I consider myself lucky have what I do have and look forward to the future with much anticipation. So don't cry for me Argentina, there are plenty of other things to be concerned about.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Something must be done... it is futile to resist!

While I am appalled by the thought of what is about to happen, it is certain that something must be done. Call it financial bailout, economic cleansing, saving our economy or whatever, our countries and possibly the entire world's present and future is in jeopardy, due the the greedy and selfish acts of those who apparently are beyond reproach and above paying for their discrepancies.

With the economies of the world teetering on the brink of collapse, something must be done. The ramifications of what has been done to the financial foundation of our capitalistic monetary system will inadvertantly affect every individual in our land, unless something is done immediately. The leaders of Main Street, teamed with the leaders of Wall Street have come up with a plan to save us all form shear catastrophy.

It is futile to resist, since resistance will only hurt us more than compliance. We shall succumb to the leaders of Main and Wall to place the burden of the entire country's (and apparently now the world's) future well being in our laps. As accolades are poured upon us by our mighty leaders, we shall bear the brunt of what was not our fault, while the culprits look down at us and smile in approval.

Meanwhile, accross the world, our young soldiers are giving their lives in a fight to save a young democracy.

Announcing my Candidacy for President

Hi, my name is Bart and I suffer from SSS (Seriously Stupid Syndrome). Until I was diagnosed, SSS took a devastating toll on my life and those around me. Because of SSS, I am now homeless, living in a motel (where I am forced to work as the night clerk, behind a bullet proof window) with my wife, up to my neck in debt, with no light at the end of the tunnel. But after being diagnosed with SSS I have found my true calling in life,so....

I am announcing my candadacy for the Presidenciary Position of these United States of America. Since I am too late for any caucuses or primaries, or even to pass around a petition, I am requesting you all to put my name on the ballet, as a write in vote, with a permanent black sharpie.

Why vote for me? Since our economy is going down the tubes, wouldn't you want someone in office who has experience in living at or below the poverty level? Then you wouldn't hear me saying things like, "Oops, our millionaire friends need a bailout, can you poor middle class people help us out?" or "I am so proud of all the brave Americans who are willing to sacrifice to help our economy." or "I will see to it that health care if available to every American at an affordable price."

No sirreee bob, you will not hear that from me. Instead you will hear the truth. Things like, "Hey the millionaires blew it and since you know what rolls downhill, guess who will suffer for it? Too bad, there's nothing you can do about it, because you really don't matter to them and they are going to save their butts without considering the circumstances." "Affordable Healthcare? Can't everybody afford to give one third of their check to healthcare?" and "Lower taxes? Who the heck do you think is gonna pay for everything?"

You can also get valuable advise on things like:

How to feed your family in $40.00 a week grocery money.

Keeping your car running on a rubber band and a shoe string.


Looking forward to the future without the light at the end of the tunnel.

I shoot from the hip and as long as I take my medication to stabilize my SSS (Which I hopefully can afford once I become President) things will probably be about the same, but you won't have a bunch of out of touch, elitists cramming bull down your thoats.

Oh, yea, and tail gating at the White House for all Vol Games!!!

I look forward to your write in votes on election day!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

It’s an ambush.. run away run away...

Well now what are we gonna do? Just when we thought all was going fine.... bam!! It's an ambush. While I am sure all those fine government officials are all looking out for our best interests....RIGHT! "I have an idea! Let's just propose an entirely different plan and we can just argue about whose plan is better until the entire economy falls flat on it's face. Then no one will get the blame for making the wrong decision and we will get elected next year just because we tried our best." The only thing wrong with that idea is no one will be able to vote BECAUSE WE CAN'T AFFORD TO PUT GAS IN OUR CARS TO GET TO THE POLLS!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

As the Economy Churns

As predicted there has been a good share of political posturing. If the resolution of this potential calamity so important, shouldn't the people who say they are putting country before self restrain from putting a fly in the ointment after the 'historical bipartisan' meeting was held? Not stating there were issues that needed to be addressed after the meeting was over and he said there was nothing else he wanted to discuss? Is this the kind of person we need as our President?

I am still predicting a last hour saving of our economy. Well, THEY will say it has been saved, but at whose and what cost? Even 250 billion dollars will cause our taxes to go up. Big business will shift the diverse effects to the the front lines of the companies, meaning jobs will be lost and less will be opening.

There is talk of steps to take help homeowners fight off foreclosure, but that does not do anything for those of us who have already lost our homes.This does not address the situation, but one of the symptoms of the situation and is only a crumb thrown to us "little people" to appease us by making us think they are doing something for us.

There is talk of another "Stimulous Program" to help jump start the economy. This is just an extension of the big business bailout. The government will be taking that stimulous check back in the form of higher taxes to pay for the bailout, not just next year, but for the rest of our lives and our children and grandchildren and so on an so on..... They will also be passing the cost on to us in the form of higher prices for everything.

Everyone will try to take credit for saving the world, which will take our attention away from the fact that it was them who put us in this situation in the first place. They will thank us for being such good sports and praise us for our strength, courage and wisdom, while they reach into our pockets and take food off our tables and make our dreams that much harder to achieve. The scary part of it is, most of them actually believe what they say! They think we are standing on our front porch with our hands on our hearts, saluting them and thanking them for doing such a great job.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Posturing and Manipulating

While the President and Congress "haggle" over what is needed to curtail the current crisis, when actually each is just posturing to try to be crowned as the one who saved the world just in time, Wall Street is playing "hard to get", trying to get what they want. In the mean time we, the ones who are expected to foot the bill for this mess, sit ringside, wringing our hands, wondering if the sky is really falling.

If it is, we need to really reconsider the people we have elected to run our country. How could they allow it to get this far and why are they squabbling over pork barrels when disaster is just around the corner?

If it isn't we need to really reconsider the people we have elected to run our country. How could they give us the gloom and doom, end of the world as we know it scare, just to make themselves look good?

Either way, we end up the losers. Of course they will all try to paint us as the heroes who saved the economy. Without our courage and unselfish contribution, we certainly would have suffered a plight worse than ..... well ........... a really bad thing. Actually, we are the pawns big business and government are using to build themselves up more, while pushing us down lower in the social economic scheme.

As a result of our "courage", there will be higher taxes, rapid inflation and fewer raises at our level, because the top of the business pyramid will always come first in business - corporate -government America. So expect your standard of living to drop a notch or two, (Not that mine could drop much more, but there is always the "cardboard box house".) while the ones who really put us in this mess keep all they acquired while they raped, pillaged and plundered.

Bailout Blues

Wall Street was elated when the government talked about bailing all the financial institutions out and stocks soared..................... for a day. Then they found out there was going to be conditions on the bailout. Uncle Sam was not going to just pay off everything for them and slap them on the wrist, so now Wall Street is throwing a hissy fit and stocks took a plunge and oil prices soared.

Let me get this straight? Uncle Sam deregulated, and the financial institutions were like a kid in a candy store. Through lax lending practices and risky, irresponsible investing they drove the economy to the brink of disaster. They have put millions and millions of dollars in their pockets at our expense. Now we are going to bail them out and they are upset about it? They kept putting their hands in the cookie jar until it was empty and now they are "anxious" about us saving their butts? How much money are these fat cats going to give back to help this situation? How badly do you think this "bailout" is going to affect them. They may have to get domestic cavier?

The rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Economic Meltdown

First, I want to sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. You see, I am probably the one to blame for the current state of affairs of our nations economy. The domino effect, that has caused our nations economic well-being to fall into a spiral out of control, was initially caused by bankers risky mortgage practices, whose monies in said mortgages were unwisely invested into even riskier investments in the markets. When the disproportionately inflating housing market eventually burst, the ensuing foreclosure from the previously mentioned risky mortgages has put Wall Street into an almost unprecedented nosedive.

In the ensuing decline Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac required government intervention to stay afloat, Lehman Brothers has been forced into bankruptcy, Bank of America bought Merrill Lynch, saving if from impending doom and AIG is getting a shot in the arm to the grand total of 85 billion dollars to save it as well. I also have heard that Washington Mutual is the next bank that may see its neck on the chopping block.
That is when it clicked!

In 1995 I got a mortgage from Washington Mutual. I had no money and had terrible credit and was in now way worthy of getting a loan, but they gave me one. Not only did they give me a mortgage, but it was a 100% ARM loan. Of course, not being credit worthy in the first place and having no money, at the first sign of monetary difficulties, I fell behind on my payments. I tried to catch up my payments, but was not able to and when the ARM matured and my payments increased dramatically there was no way I could make them, so I lost my home to foreclosure. Shortly after that, this whole economic blow-out takes place. I am not one to run from my responsibilities. When I have done something wrong, I am always man enough to take my punishment, but I do have a couple questions.

1. The financial industry, the Fed and the government have seen this coming for at least 10 years. Why weren’t they more proactive in preventing it? Is there anyone in Washington strong enough to take the bull by the horns and do the right thing?
2. Instead of giving all these companies billions of dollars to save them, why didn’t they give that money to the people losing their homes? That way those people would still have their homes, the companies would not be in trouble, our economy would be stronger and I would not feel so guilty for having starting this whole thing.

Our country is seeing the middle class slowly diminish, while the government stands by and watches. Is there nothing we can do to stop it?

Friday, September 5, 2008


So I started taking an IQ test in this facebook thing and when I got to the end it asked for my cell phone number to fax me my score. Why couldn't they just give it to me? Then I had to enter a secret PIN in like 15 seconds, while clicking the box that says I agree to the Terms and Conditions of the site I was using. Now to read the Terms and Conditions would take about 5 minutes minimum, yet they gave me 15 seconds to click on the agree box? I don't think sooooooo

Thursday, August 28, 2008


There is so much I need to do, I wish I had done and want to do, but have put off. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, then years and before you know it, there is a bunch of undone things piled up in your head. Tomorrow I am going to start getting all those things done... well.... maybe Friday Yea Friday I will start.... or maybe after the weekend... you know a fresh start at the beginning of the week....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Uncle Roger

Today I found out that Uncle Roger passed away. He was one of the finest men I knew. Always cheery, smiling, honest and compassionate. He had the highest integrity and a love for life and everyone he knew. I loved him very much and my prayers are with Aunt Pearl, Rita and her family. While it is not possible for me to make it there to pay my respects, my heart will be there.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Not quite yet online

We are still experiencing problems with the internet connection in the rooms here at the Super Super 8, so I am still limited in what I can do with myspace, facebook and blogspot blogs. As soon as the problems are fixed, I will be doing more. Until then go back and look at my greatest hits collection.

All in the movies

The other night Emie and I watched a movie. I don't remember the name of the movie, but it had a guy in it who was so deep and full of insight into himself and everyone around him. He never lost his cool and calmly gave all the answers to everyones problems without even having to give it much thought. He was flawless. I have always wanted to be that guy. Full of wisdom, the one everyone comes to for the answers for all their problems. REALITY CHECK!!! That person does not exist in real life!!! It isn't as if this is an epiphany or anything. Movies are make believe, just a way for us to escape reality for a while. But after watching some of these shows, who wants to come back to reality.

Which brings to the table reality TV shows. If you ever watch any of those shows, you realize that the average Joe or Jane is far, far from what is portrayed in the movies. Watching these shows make me appreciate what I do have in my own life. Maybe that is the reason reality TV is so popular. One can watch any one of these shows and breath a sigh of relief they are not as psycho as most of these people on these shows are. So after watching a reality show, coming back to the flawed, hum-drum of my own life doesn't seem so bad. In fact, I welcome it.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back Online

Well, they have temporarily fixed the booster system on the wireless here at the motel, so we have connection again. They will be replacing the entire system with a better one soon, so I will be able to, once again, enlighten and enrich each of your lives with my infinite wisdom. For now it is time to take a nap, so I will be able to stay awake through my shift tonight.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Good Morning Americans and now.....

More news!!!!

Page 13 1/7 - Brett Favre seems to have changed his mind again! He has not shown up for training camp and apparently has not even sent the letter to the commish asking to be reinstated. On a side note, the Waffle House now is offering a new football shaped waffle, called............ you guessed it..... the Favre!

Page 21 3/5 - Have you noticed how most of the news these days around college and professional football are focused more on indescreasions off the field than they are on actual football. Does this mean that the 1 sport in America has lost it's appeal? With players more interested in scoring big dollars than touchdowns are they actually devalueating the very vehicle they are trying to bilk for as much as they can? We asked third down specialist running back Alikah Mormony if the focus was shifting from the game to the bling, but he withheld his answer because he was holding out for a larger fee for the interview. Go capitalism!!!!

Page 36 24/34 - Jessica Simpson is trying to change musical genres to country music. At one of her concerts concert goers booed her as she was singing. Some saying she was not country. In my book anyone who can fill out daisy dukes like her can be anything she wants.

And that'sss the news ...... good day and laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Successfully moved in

Well today we successfully moved in the Super Super 8. That's right a room with a single suite with a view of I-40!We are walking in high cotton!! We had some problem establishing a wireless conection, but the asst mgr here told me we should have a cable internet connection in our room, so I will check that out later today after I get off. That's it for now, just keeping everyone posted on what is going on. And by the way, family discount for rooms is $31.39 per night total. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, July 21, 2008

The New Vagabond

Today I saw a man in tattered clothes, standing on the exit ramp of the expressway with a sign that read: "Will work for internet access with a download of World of Warcraft"

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Originally posted 7/18/2008

The therapeutic value of blogging

I heard on the John Tesh radio show that there are therapeutic plusses to being a blogger. So if you are feeling depressed, then hit the blogs. Blogging is a good place to air your feelings, as well as getting positive feedback from your viewers. Maybe that is why I am such a well-adjusted, level-headed kind of guy.

I also like to look at my blogs as a good source of valuabe information that can be used in every aspect of life. I am, in fact, a pillar in the blogging infrastructure, that without, I do not believe the entire blog system would be able to stand. I humbly decline offers for awards for my blogging, as it would deminish the value of my work as looking as though it was self-serving. (Of course all monitary donations will be accepted. Please send small bills to this email address.) My reward is being able to spread the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated through the years, to enrich others. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I would like to make a clarification to a statement made in a previous post on 07/18/2008.

"I humbly decline offers for awards for my blogging, as it would deminish the value of my work as looking as though it was self-serving. (Of course all monitary donations will be accepted. Please send small bills to this email address.)"

I would like to thank Lorainne L. of Newark NJ for sending me her small electric bill of $23.79 and Bill F. of Farmington IO for his small medical bill of $56.32. I must apologize to Sven J. of Germany, but I can't convert to Deutche Marks. The fact is, when I was asking for small bills, I meant $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 and $20.00 bills to be sent to me. ( I would even accept 50's but will have to use that marker thingy to make sure they are not conterfiet.) I do ask everyone to keep their generosity down to under $10,000 as I would like to stay under the radar of the IRS. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

This offer not applicable in states where it is against the law. Some donations may be tax deductable, depending on how willing you are to lie to the IRS. Recipient will deny ever receiving funds if asked by certain governing officials. Have a nice day and would you like fries with that?


I was going to do an update on moving day, but am not sure how to count the days. You see, I am moving on the 22nd and today is the 19th, so do I say 3 days until moving day and include the actual day, or do I say 2 days until moving day since the actual moving day would be 0 days? This is throwing off my whole packing scheme and making a mess of me sleep patterns, as I wil be taking off Monday night to move on Tuesday, but then will the be 1 day to moving day or 2? I will research this and hopefully get back on schedule. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Friday, July 18, 2008

The therapeutic value of blogging

I heard on the John Tesh radio show that there are therapeutic plusses to being a blogger. So if you are feeling depressed, then hit the blogs. Blogging is a good place to air your feelings, as well as getting positive feedback from your viewers. Maybe that is why I am such a well-adjusted, level-headed kind of guy.

I also like to look at my blogs as a good source of valuabe information that can be used in every aspect of life. I am, in fact, a pillar in the blogging infrastructure, that without, I do not believe the entire blog system would be able to stand. I humbly decline offers for awards for my blogging, as it would deminish the value of my work as looking as though it was self-serving. (Of course all monitary donations will be accepted. Please send small bills to this email address.) My reward is being able to spread the knowledge and wisdom I have accumulated through the years, to enrich others. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Brett Favre

Okay... nobody is to talk to Brett Farve..... nobody is to listen to Brett Favre..... and no more articles about Brett Favre!! If we ignore him, maybe he will go away. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Official Moving Date Moved

This is an official annnouncement that our moving day has been moved from July 21 to July 22 in order to celebrate the national holiday of Robert Margis' birthday at The Robert Margis Birthday Bash!!!

The celebration will include live bands The Eagles, Styx and REO Speedwagon along with free food and beer for everyone, and Charddonay for Robert's mother, the famed painter, Dawn Margis. Fireworks will commence at midnight, we don't give a dang if anyone is sleeping. (This is after all, Robert Margis' Birthday) All businesses will be officially closed at 5:00PM July 21 and all day July 22, to allow everyone to recouperate. (Except Kroger, they have to be open in case we run out of beer and Robert's Uncle Bart is pissed at them for firing him) So come one, come all to the Big Robert Margis Birthday Bash. See you there!!!! laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Good Morning Americans, and now.... the news!!

Page 37 1/2 - In France, Angelina Jolie gave birth to twins, a boy and girl. The whole world was perplexed as to why she named the boy Knox and the girl Vivienne. Who cares? Doesn't everyone know there is more important news in the football world?

Page 33 1/3 - Brett Favre has announce he will now hold his breath and stomp his feet until his face turns blue if the Green Bay Packers won't let him start as the quarterback this season. He has been reported as saying the Packers are a bunch of meanie weanies with cooties and has threatened to give each of them a wet willie if they don't let him have his way.

Page 86.99 - Gas prices seem to be going up.

That's all Americans................... Good day

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Let’s Keep It Simple Okay

In order to proliferate my conjectures in a more discernable manner, I have decided to become obsequious.


I was going to post a blog, but then I forgot what I was going to post, so I guess I am not going to post a blog. But, then again, since I am posting this, stating that I am not going to post it, I am actually posting a blog. Actually I am just killing time before I do my nest task here at the Super Super 8. I am learning that motel people are rare and strange breed. They stay up until 3AM to call the front desk and ask for a wake up call at 5AM. I guess that is a way feeling important, but if you were really important you would be sleeping and getting enough rest so you could do your job? I don't know. I am not that important, I guess. Not that I want to be, or that there is anything wrong with that. Another thing about motel people. They all expect it to be completely quiet at night. Well guess what? People come and go at all hours of the day and night at motels and there will always be noise. And another thing, I am not the cable TV fairy! If the cable is out, I do not have a magic wand to wave and get it working again. And if the cable is out here, it is out everywhere! And why are they up at 4:30 in the morning watching TV? What could possibly be on at that time? Reruns of Chico and the Man??!!! I mean, we all love Freddie Prince, but just like Elvis he is gone. Let it go!!! Well, like I said I am not going to post a blog at this time, because I forgot what I was going to say. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

How dare you accuse me!!!

Once someone, we will not divulge who, accused me of being smart! This gave me the thought that I should take up acting. I figured if I could make this person think I was smart, then maybe I could fool a lot of people at the same time. Isn't that what acting is all about? Making people think you're someone else, when actually you are not? Acting however is not as easy as you think. Sure it is easy to "act a fool" and it would be easy if all you had to do was "act naturally", but there are a lot of techniques and devices needed to be mastered to successfully pull of the acting gig. What do you do with your hands when someone else has the diaologue and you are just standing in the background? What would you do in a real life situation? Funny, but at the time, you can't remember and you can't just be natural, because then you are not acting! So I guess acting will not be my calling, although I was the star in both plays in the 7th and 8th grade which recieved 1st place in competitions.

Which brings me back to the person who accused me of being smart. What the heck were they thinking? Sure, I show signs of intellegence from time to time, but the police usually stop and tell me to take them down. (false advertising?) I can assure you of one thing, I am not that smart. I am blessed and lucky to be alive and have the wonderful wife I have, but definitely not that smart.

If I give you advice, it is probably the best thing to take it with a grain of salt. Of course that is advice in itself, so I don't know what you can do with it? You are better off just doing what most people do and don't listen to a word I say. As a matter of fact I think I might start doing that myself. But then, who would I listen to.... laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I was sitting, in deep contemplation................. then I fell asleep...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

If I Had a Hammer

If I had a hammer,............. wait a minute! I do have a hammer. Never mind.

Officially Moving

We are officially moving on July 21st to the wonderful confines of the Hyatt-Waldorff-Super8 off Papermill Rd in beautiful west Knoxville. With any luch we will get a room with a view of the expressway! Emie and I will be packing for the next two weeks, dividing up what will go into storage and what we will take with us to the room. We both hope and pray it will be just the thing to get us back on our feet. Emie will still concentrate on her school, but may also work part time at the hotel. I am working 7 nights a week for a while and that will help get some things paid off quicker, then we are going to put as much money in the bank as we can. Hey, we have a pool and a hot tub and fitness center and I can walk to work. With the price of gas these days, that is a great savings. It took $44 to fill up my little Nissan Sentra, but a tank should last about a month, since we will only be using the car to get Em to school and go shopping. Well, that is my update for now. If I am slow at work tonight I may have some more words of wisdom to share. laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Boys Like Girls

Okay is it Boys LIKE Girls or is it Boys Like GIRLS? Some or these bands names are so confusing. What ever happened to those good ole band names like Cruise Control and Strayer? No question about those, no controversy. Styx made you think. Why did they mispell the word? Ahh they were historians. Styx is an river in some ancient history book. REO Speedwagon, The Eagles those are good solid names. I guess they ran out of the good ones. Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies? Gimme a break! laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The wheels on the bus to round and round

The wheels on the bus to round and round, round and round, round and round. Oops! The wheels on the bus fell off! I guess I forgot to tighten the lug nuts. Just a few minor gliches in the plans. Richard and Clint will not be staying here with us to help out, while Emie is going to school. There will not be an addition to the house.

Plan B: We have contacted Vocational Rehab and will be calling them this week to see what is the best strategy for us. Hopefully, they can help find Emie a job to help sustain us through the summer.

We are calling Pellissippi State tommorrow to get the scoop on funding for Emie starting school in fall. We need to send money, to the Philippines, to Emie’s college there to have her transcripts sent here, so we will know how much credit she will get and what classes she will have to take and will not have to take.

We will be cutting back on expenses, so we will not be on the net for a while. We will miss you all and if I don’t get .. we are offline. laterzzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Permanent Job and Emie's Plans

Well, the assignment I have been working on with my temp position ends tomorrow. The good news is, I start training in Customer Service on Monday with Nova. My status will remain as a temp with Express Personel until I complete the training, in about two months, then I will be hired on as a regular permanent employee with Nova. That is a good thing.

Em and I went to Pellissippi to look into her enrolling into the Pre-Nursing program. We are going in Monday morning to talk to Financial Aid and will put her application in, to see if she is accepted next week. We are trying to get her transcripts sent here from her college in the Philippines, as they think a lot, if not all of her classes may help credit towards her new degree. After one year of Pre-Nursing, she will take either 2, for an Associates or 4, for a Bachelors years of nursing school at one of the 4 years colleges in the area. The majority of the difference between the two degrees is the Bachelors has administrative courses as well, for those who would like to do something like a Nurse Practisioner. The actual nurse/medical classes are the same.

After either one of the degrees is attained, then she can take the board exam to become a Registered Nurse. It will be a great thing for Em to have, whether we are here or in the Philippines. (And she said when she is making the big bucks, I can retire to a life of luxury and relaxation. Where are my golf clubs?) lol

That's about it for now! I'll catch you up on what is going on with the house and the kids laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

House and Kids

You have the story on Em and Bart. Now here's ....... the rrrest of the story. We spoke with Maryssa last night and it is a go adding two bedrooms and a bath to the back of the house. Richard and Clint will "rent" them out, while Em is attending college. There is no real time frame here, since Em will need some time to adjust to going back to school, I don't want her to work and R & C can help out financially for a while. It will also give them a chance to save some money, since their living expenses will be less than if they had a place to themselves. ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

After a while, I will be hired on permanently and will get a raise and once Em is comfortable enough with her studies, she can possibly take a part time position in a job related to her studies.

Admittedly, things are extremely tight now, since Richard's car was tore up and needed a new engine (He just got it back yesterday) and Em has not been working, but slowly we shall pull ourselves out and up!

I also will be interviewing next week for a part time job as an associate in a c-store (no not Wiegel's) to get things caught up quicker. I really love my job now and working with US Bank, so I hope to make that my career from now on. We just need to get a little extra until Em gets back in the work mode again.

Em is really excited about going into nursing. It has always been her dream and it will help secure her future where ever we live. She really hit it off with Dr. McMahon at Pellissippi (PSTCC) and is determined to see this through to the end! I am so proud of her!

So now you not only know what the news is.... you also know..... the rrrest of the story!!!!

Permanent Job

Well, the assignment I have been working on with my temp position ends tomorrow. The good news is, I start training in Customer Service on Monday with Nova. My status will remain as a temp with Express Personel until I complete the training, in about two months, then I will be hired on as a regular permanent employee with Nova. That is a good thing.

Em and I went to Pellissippi to look into her enrolling into the Pre-Nursing program. We are going in Monday morning to talk to Financial Aid and will put her application in, to see if she is accepted next week. We are trying to get her transcripts sent here from her college in the Philippines, as they think a lot, if not all of her classes may help credit towards her new degree. After one year of Pre-Nursing, she will take either 2, for an Associates or 4, for a Bachelors years of nursing school at one of the 4 years colleges in the area. The majority of the difference between the two degrees is the Bachelors has administrative courses as well, for those who would like to do something like a Nurse Practisioner. The actual nurse/medical classes are the same.

After either one of the degrees is attained, then she can take the board exam to become a Registered Nurse. It will be a great thing for Em to have, whether we are here or in the Philippines. (And she said when she is making the big bucks, I can retire to a life of luxury and relaxation. Where are my golf clubs?) lol

That's about it for now! I'll catch you up on what is going on with the house and the kids laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, February 25, 2008

Another Recession?

Many of the economic experts say we are headed for another recession. In an attempt to stifle a prolonged economic turn down, the Fed has lowered interests rates. Many people agree that our economy is cyclical, so does this mean that recessions are inevitable? Does the mere fact that "the experts" say we may be heading to a recession make it happen? In a recession, who is actually hurt? It is said many jobs are lost during a recession, but I have not known of one person who was laid off or let go as the victim of an economic turn down. They say jobs are scarce during a recession. Hey Bud, a good job is hard to come by any time! So, from my standpoint, a recession does not affect me as much as the experts say. Or is this just another one of these situations where it all looks bad on paper? Like the stock market.

Much of the direction in the stock market has to do with the "emotions" reflected by the general public, as reported by the media. If the general public is reported as being confident, then the market is up. If there is skepticism, then the market is down. Intangibles control the tangible. And the media controls our feelings on the intangibles. A media that is run by big money and big business.

Unfortunately, our country is insatiable. We want more and more and when we get it, we want even more. Big business thrives on this. We lavish ourselves on every luxury, we pamper ourselves with all the amenities and we spoil ourselves rotten. We build ourselves up so high, that when we hear news of a possible recession, we panic. But how much are we really affected?

What if we put all our credit cards away and just bought things on a cash basis? Would the average Joe be better off? I have heard it say that this country runs on credit, but isn't that what they want us to believe? Who really benefits from credit? Big business! Sure you need credit for some things, like buying a house or a car, but that should be just about it. The average Joe is so far in debt to credit cards, it has become a maor part of their monthly budget.

With most of the population burdened with huge credit card bills, (just look at all the debt relief programs out there) is it no wonder people are losing their houses at record rates? A high rate of foreclosure, when focused on again and again by the media leads to what? The general public's negative view of the economy, which leads to what? A decline in the stock market, which leads to what? Recession!

The government is starting programs to help people to keep from losing their houses. But are they really treating the right symptom? It is said that sub-prime lending institutions are to blame for much of the problem. (I wonder about this premise too. Give someone a loan with a high interest rate, because they have had problems with money. Won't that compound their problems?) But why can't people keep up with their mortgages. Could it be because they are overextending themselves with other credit? If the government spent more time and money helping people understand about credit and how to manage it, would that be a more effective way to stop this downward spiral? Or would that step on too many "big business" toes?

If people were living within their means by eliminating credit, outside of buying a house or a car, wouldn't that help prevent a majority of foreclosures? If people eliminated their huge credit card bills, wouldn't they actually live a less stressful and more enjoyable life? If we are living a less stressful and enjoyable life, isn't our general perception of things going to be more positive? And if your general perception of things were more positive, would we be looking at a possible recession?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Post From My Brother-in-Law

American Home Shield

I have an American Home Shield home warranty/appliance service contract. If you read below, our washer went out at the end of January. Per the contracted service agent, All About Comfort, they deemed it unrepairable. I have yet to hear from AHS on what they are going to do for a replacement. It has been well over 2 weeks. Numerous calls and emails to no avail. Not to mention I had to call twice to get the service guy even out there. Now our microwave light bulb has gone out. Kitchenaid doesn't allow for the normal homeowner to change this puppy, so I had to place another service call through AHS. After 3 business days, I called them back since I had not heard from, again, All About Comfort, to set up an appointment. Well they came bright and early on Wednesday and of course did not have the bulb so they need to come back. Have not heard back yet. I even gave them the model so that they could bring one with. Anyway, microwave bulb, still out, washer verdict on what they'll give me is still out. I would steer away from these guys at this point as I am not happy with either of these vendors.

My Reply

I would be on the phone calling them twice a day, letting them know you have run out of clean clothes and your co-workers and neighbors are taking a petition to storm their doors if they don't come through with a new washer immediately! Then again, you could also file a complaint with the BBB and they will also contact them and see what is holding them up. You got lucky with your big screen TV, since they were pretty cooperative, but I have heard that most extended warrantee programs are pretty hard to work with. But, then again, I don't really have much of anything anyway, so I guess I shouldn't talk.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Getting a Fiancee Visa to the US

So you found the Mr. of Mrs. right out there and you want to spend the rest of your life with them. The only problem is they are half way accross the world! Bring him or her to the States can be a daunting task, but if you take it step by step, it is not that difficult. The Visa needed to get your fiancee here is the K-1 Visa. To qualify for the Visa, you must have personally met with your fiancee within two years of filing the petition. K-1 Visa kits can be found at, the USCIS Visa site. Keep airlines ticket stubs, boarding passes, receipts and take lots of pics to prove you two have met and to show that you have an established relationship.

Once your fiancee arrives in the States, you have 90 days to complete the marriage ceremony. So you want to be absolutely positive that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person, because 90 days is really not long enough to establish a never ending love.

Once you are pronounced man and wife, you must file an application for change of status if it is your disire to become a permanent resident and eventually a U.S. citizen.

The process from initiation of petition to your beloveds arrival will probably take about one year, but it is worth it to be with that special someone for the rest of your life. I am married to the most wonderful woman from the Philippines and am so glad I did it. Don't be intimidated! If you are truly in love with someone, don't let anything get in your way!!

Life is Good!!!

Life is good!! I have the most wonderful wife, and my two sons are staying with us now, while in transition to getting their own place. I'm off this weekend and am going to do some work in the yard, as long as the weather permits. Em and I have been chillin' in the BR this morning and Richard and Clint have both gone to work. They had to borrow my car, because Richard's car is making a loud knocking noise and needs to be looked at before he drives it again, to keep the damage to a minimum. It was low on oil, but we added oil and it still knocks, hi hooo hi hooo the mechanic we will go.

Em and I both went out putting in applications. Me for a part time job and Em for whatever she can get for right now. Her being out of work for a while has put a crunch on us, but hopefully we will pull out of it soon. I am hoping to hear from my temp employer soon that I will be hired on full time at Nova. They did a feature on me in the last months company newsletter, so that must mean I'm doing alright.

For now just enjoying the time with my wife and kids. OH yea and trying to lose some weight. lol Which reminds me, the yard work is waiting, gotta get some excercise out there. laterzzzzzz

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Richard and Clint are Moved (Sorta)

Well, Richard and Clint are officially out of the apartment now and camped out in our living room. It should be about a month before the house is moved in behind ours. Hopefully the weather will be good! Of course, they already have their computers hooked up and are playing WarCraft till the wee small hours of the morning. (I try to keep my Literati playing to late night and get some sleep. I'm not as young as I used to be! ) It's cool having them here and will be cool having them as neighbors. (The later being cooler)

Marshall Andy called and wants me to be on his show. We will be filming next Wednesday. I will watch the show in the PBS station this Saturday to get an idea of the format. The Riders of the Silver Screen is the name of the show. He hosts B Western Movies. He also sings with a Country and Big Band Era type band and does shows at Buddies in town on Thursday nights, I believe.

Em is looking for a good office position somewhere. We filled out an application at Randstat and are hoping that works out. In the mean time she is cooking up a storm and that makes it hard for me to lose weight! But I love just about everything she cooks so much! She is the best!!!

Well, I guess that is about it for now. I will check out what Devon and Gabrielle are into and catch you up to date with them next time. Until then, laterzzzzz

Restocking Fees

What is it about companies these days who charge a restocking fee if you want to return an item you purchased? Come on!! They have employees that are paid by the hour, not by the number of items they stock! In the land of "we want more, more, more this is just another example of how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Returns are just another part of doing business. A part that until recently, companies were willing to do without asking the comsumer to pay extra. I say we should boycott all the companies who use this lame excuse to make more money off of a society that is very quickly losing what is left of the "middle class".

Monday, February 4, 2008

Poetry by cloudpoet37


I'm running from something I don't know why
I can't let it catch me
I'm running from something please save me I cry
It must never catch me

It hides in the shadows to pounce on my dreams
It lurks in the darkness it muffles the screams

I'm running from something though weary I grow
I think it will catch me
I'm running from something my strides they grow slow
And soon it will catch me

Though I am determined to stay in the race
It soon will be over without an embrace

I'm running from something though soon it will end
For soon it will catch me
I'm running from something there's no more pretend
I know it will catch me

I'm now overtaken reality stings
Eluded by love only emptiness brings

I'm no longer running

Giants Win!!!

Well, much to the surprise of most people, the Giants won the superbowl. I knew they could do it and was pulling for them all along. I love that Eli got MVP. Next year I hope both Mannings go to the superbowl! I don't know which one I would be pulling for? Eli did a great job tonight, he kept his composure and pulled the game out in the end. The Giants have a young team and it looks like Eli has finally hit his stride! We shall see.......

I am the KING of literati!!!

I am the freakin' literati KING!! I just won 3 in a row and my ranking is 1807! That is in the orange my friends..... that is right.... like the BIG ORANGE!!! GO VOLS AND GO ME!!!!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Save Money at Tax Time Do it Yourself

Tax time is here and many of us are getting all our w2's, 1099's, receipts and whatever else we think is important to do our taxes together, to go visit our local tax preparers office. They want to make sure they get the most money back they can and are willing to pay from $50 to $200 or more to make sure they do. Well I can tell you one way to make an extra $50 to $200 or more guaranteed! Do your taxes yourself. What did you say? "But I have never done my taxes and I have no idea how to do them. The tax preparer knows all that stuff." Let me tell you with the tax programs available today, anyone can do even the most complex taxes. And many can get the programs for free!

I worked a season with one of the biggest tax preparing companies in the country. I had well over 200 clients and did not have one return rejected by the IRS. I am not an expert on taxes. I am not a CPA. All I did was read the questions from the program to the client, answer them on the screen and did what the program prompted me to do next. If something was out of line and could cause a problem, the program red flagged it for me and told me what to do to make it acceptable. It also gave suggestions that would maximize the return.

When I worked as a tax preparer, I was not paid by the hour, but by how many returns I filed. The faster I got people in and out, the more money I made. This does not motivate someone to be too meticulous with their work. Not that is was all that hard, but some people may get careless concentrating more on quantity than quality.

Case and point: This person I knew's husband went to a tax preparer on the last day of the season. He was self-employed in the construction industry. The preparer asked him a few questions and in about a half an hour told him he owed $1000 and it would cost him $120. Unfortunately, he didn't have the $120, so he didn't get his return filed. The next day I took him into our office and took about one hour and a half hours to go through everything he had. In the end, I got him back $1500. That is a difference of $2500! I filed it online and he had the return in his bank in 10 days.

Go to,,id=118986,00.html to see all the programs available to file our taxes online yourself. They will tell you what criteria is needed to attain a free copy of the program. Some people may not meet the criteria and have to pay something, but it is usually less than you would pay a tax preparer and you can have them take the fee out of your return. Most of the programs I have seen have a small fee to do state returns, but it is worth it. The programs will ask you questions, the same ones the tax preparers are prompted to ask, and will guide you step by step through the entire process. It is just like going to the tax preparer, but not having to pay for it. And the person doing the return cares a lot more about getting you the most out of your return than most tax preparers, because that person is YOU!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Choosing a Candidate

There are many factors to take into consideration when choosing who to vote for in the coming elections. Of course there are the issues that interest you the most and where each of the candidates stand on those concerns. But in the election mode, so much posturing takes place, it is difficult, at best, to discern who is and who is not sincere. There are those who vote strictly by party, but I feel those are of a dying breed. And some people vote for a candidate because they "like" that person. There is something about them that connects with them. There is no way to determine which one of these are better or even IF one is better than the other, but there is a way to combine these methods to help find who is the best candidate, at least in your opinion.

First, list 5 characteristics that you appreciate most in the people you know. Also, list 5 of the characteristics you appreciate least in the people you know. Now take each of the candidates and check which characteristic you see in each of them.

Second, list 5 characteristics you feel are necessary to make a good, strong leader. Match them accordingly to each of the candidates.

Third, write down the top 3 issues you are concerned about that can be influenced by the particular office for which the candidates are competing, with a pro side and a con side. Match each of the candidates with where they stand on each issue. Keep in mind which ones are more party influenced than others and remember their position in the race for the office may not be the same as their position once they take the office.

You will probably have more than one candidate who seems worthy of your allegiance. One thing to keep in mind is that sometimes the people we like most, are not the best leaders. You may love to go bowling with your bud from work, but he wouldn't do well as the CEO of your company. Likability is great, but it takes more than personality to govern.

Some people say the coming presidential election could be one of the most important in many years. Personally, I don't see that. Yes, we are at war (with someone or something), the economy is wavering, health care is out of control and social security is about to go bust, but don't these things happen about every 4 years? Wouldn't it be nice to elect people who actually DID do something about these things after they were elected? Remember it takes more than just the President to change things, so look at each candidate in every race for each office to choose who is the best fit. Using this method to pick for whom you place your next vote may be a factor in doing just that.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Poetry by cloudpoet37

The Water and the Wind

Here I am, the water, sitting still, just sitting still
I lie her flat against the sky not knowing why, just wondring why
Why the sun should rise each day, to shine on me in shades of gray
To stir a longing deep inside, a hunger for the rising tide

You are the wind forever gone, forever gone
With silent swiftness passing through, you're passing through
Never still you keep your pace, with emptiness you fill each space
Only then to fly away, to leave behind an endless play

I feel a moving as you pass, that feeling stirred has come at last
And as you brush against my face, a current starts to rush, to race
The waves rise high, I want for more, but it soon ends as I reach the shore
The feeling gone, I'm still again, I lie in wait, for what, for when

Here I am, a silent sea, waiting still, I'm waiting still
Waiting for the coming wind to pass by me, go pass by me
And so we dance to brilliantlt, the wind that moves the mighty sea
Who knows when we shall meet again, for I am the water and you are the wind

Monday, January 21, 2008

Illegal Immigrants (Kick 'em or Keep 'em?)

It seems each election year we come up with some of the same old problems. One that is always at the forefront is, "Illegal aliens are stealing our jobs and using our resources!" You can go anywhere and see them on the side of the road, waiting to be picked up by someone who will pay them less to do more than we are willing to do. (Doesn't that just ruffle your tail feathers?) Who do these people think they are and what are they trying to do?

I'll tell you who they are. They are people! Human beings trying their best to support and provide for their families by working hard. They come from poor counties with poor economies. They have sacrificed their homes and left their families to try to provide a better life for them. They do the jobs most people are unwilling to do. They came here illegally because they could not afford or were unable to attain a work visa, because of quotas or some other technicality. But their hungry children don't understand quotas or technicalities.

Yes, they send their money back home to help their families, but they also contribute to the local businesses with their purchases while they stay here to work. They are also helping to keep the prices down on many things you buy every week by supplying low cost labor. After a while, they will go back home to be with their families and someone else from the family will come here to help support them.

They go to your churches to worship. The same church you attend to share the good news that we all love and support each other no matter who we are or where we are from. That's who these people are! Why should we send them back home?

I'll tell you why we should send them back home! They are taking our jobs. How can we compete with someone who is willing to work for less than I am willing to accept? They came here illegally. If they want to come here and work, then do it the right way, so they pay taxes like the rest of us. Then when they file for food stamps and other government programs, they are entitled to use them.

They won't learn our language and expect us to cater to them by offering bilingual courses in our schools. When I call a business and get the automated answering system, I actually have to press a number on my phone just to hear the information in English! That is why we should send them back!

These are some of the arguments from either side. Then there are the economic experts telling us our economy depends on these low budget laborers to curb inflation. Our aspiring candidates have been addressing this problem as election time approaches and will tell us all basically what we want to hear about it, then sweep it under the carpet until next election comes near.

What do you think? Our government has tried both approaches. In 1954, Operation Wetback deported the illegal aliens back to Mexico, but that did not solve the problem. In 1986 hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants were issued amnesty and granted citizenship, yet still the problem persists. What is your solution? Kick 'em or keep 'em?

Immigration to the USA (Is the Golden Door Still Open?)

"Give us your tired, your poor,Your Huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Is the Golden Door open? Since October 28th 1886 the inscription on the Statue or Liberty seems to be an invitation to anyone looking for a better life in The United States of America, but legislation enacted throughout history does not always seem to reflect the same sentiments. As times have changed and public opinions and perceptions have changed, the invitation has been restricted and limited. Before and after the arrival of Lady Liberty, the US has shown preferential treatment to some and discriminatory treatment to others.
  • The Naturalization Act of 1790 specifically restricts immigration stating "any alien, being a free white person, may be admitted to become a citizen of the United States". While "Give us your tired,your poor..." was not written then, this does seem to contradict a document written a few years prior to this legislation which declared that "all men are created equal".
  • In the 1840's industrialization boomed in the US. This along with crop failures and food shortages in Ireland and Germany and failed European revolutions created a period or mass immigration to the United States. As the melting pot becomes more diverse, the "old" re-evaluates the way they allow the "new" into "their" country.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848 was passed after the Mexican War and granted citizenship to approximately 80,000 Mexicans residing in the southwest. This seems to be in line, but the US will confront granting citizenship to Mexicans again.
  • In 1849, immigration from China increases significantly after gold is discovered in California.
  • In 1854 legislation was passed prohibiting Chinese immigrants from testifying against whites in California courts, giving Chinese an unfair disadvantage for success. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 restricts Chinese immigration. This is way before "Made in China" was seen on so many products bought in the USA.
  • The Alien Contract Labor laws past in 1885 and 1887 prohibited immigration to certain laborers into the United States. This limited immigration to skilled laborers needed to establish a new trade or industry and those coming to perform domestic services. To the unskilled "Average Joe" the Golden Door is closed.
  • In 1891, inspecting, admitting, rejecting, and processing all immigrants fell under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. In 1892 Ellis Island opens its doors, to process over 12,000,000 immigrants over the next 30 years. With our Lady nearby to keep an eye on things.
  • The Anarchist Exclusion Act of 1901 gives the Federal Government the right to deny immigration based on ones political views. This was a reaction from Congress to the assassination of President William McKinley by a Polish anarchist. So much for freedom of choice.
  • The US immigration Act of 1907 again addresses Mexican immigrants and attempts to reorganize the southwest bordering states into the Mexican Border District in order to slow down immigration from the southern borders. Sounds familiar.
  • Also in 1907, the Expatriation Act stripped US citizenship from women marrying foreign nationals. An exception was made for Japan, with the condition Japanese laborers would only be allowed to Hawaii and not to the US mainland.
  • From 1917 to 1924 numerous legislation was passed to limit the number of immigrants allowed each year, establishing the quota system and imposing passport requirements. (This is understandable and gives some order to the process.) The number of excluded aliens was increased, including the banning of all Asian immigrants with the exception of those from Japan and the Philippines. Again, aren't all men created equal?
  • The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934, in anticipation of the Philippines' independence on July 4, 1946 stripped US national status from Filipinos and limited the immigration annual quota to 50.
  • In 1942 this Act is repealed, making Filipinos citizens again and able to register in the military. I guess when it serves the governments bests interests, they can bend the rules.
  • In 1940, The Alien Registration Act required all non-citizen immigrants to register with the Federal Government and acquire an Alien Registration Receipt Card. This is the will evolve into the "Green Card". This will aid in collecting taxes from immigrants employed in the states. It also requires fingerprinting of all aliens over the age of 14 and classifies Korean immigrants as subjects of Japan.
  • In 1943 the Chinese Exclusion Act is repealed and by the end of the 1940's all restrictions are removed concerning Asian citizenship. A step in the right direction.
  • The Bracero Program was introduced as a guest worker program by Congress in 1943. It brought temporary agricultural workers into the US from Mexico. This program lasted until
  • 1964. Some will question if it ever ended.
  • The War Brides Act of 1945 allows foreign-born wives or US military men to enter the country.(In 1946 fiancés of American soldiers were also allowed.)
  • In 1950, The Internal Security Act restricted the immigration of Communists as well as those "which would be prejudicial to the public interest, or would endanger the welfare or safety of the United States." Could this be a precursor to Homeland Security?
  • The McCarran Walter Immigration Act in 1952 laid the foundation for our present immigration system with a quota per country basis, giving preference to family members and skilled laborers. Again, the "Average Joe" is left out.
  • Operation Wetback in 1954 deports undocumented workers back to Mexico. Again, does this sound familiar?
  • In 1965, The Immigration and Nationality Act focuses on family reunification and lifts quotas based on national origin. Not all is lost!
  • The 1968, Act ended discrimination based on race, place of birth, sex and residence. Now we're heading in the right direction. Lady Liberty is smiling.
  • The Act passed in 1976 puts an end to preferential treatment to those in the western hemisphere. You mean we ALL are the same?
  • The 1986 Immigration Act is commonly know as the 1986 Immigration Amnesty. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants were legalized and penalties, along with fines, were imposed on companies who employed illegal immigrants. Isn't that a neat idea!
  • In 1995, California passed Proposition 187, prohibiting providing public educational, welfare, and health services to undocumented aliens. It is later ruled as unconstitutional. Well, if we know who they are, can't we get them documented?
  • In 1996, legislation is passed establishing income requirements for sponsors of legal immigrants in The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act in an effort to strengthen border enforcement. This makes is more difficult to gain asylum. This makes sense, if you can't afford it, then don't do it.
  • In 1998, to keep up with the rest of the world, The American Competitiveness and Work force Improvement Act was passed. This increased the number of skilled temporary worker companies were allowed to bring into the country. Again, if it benefits the government, the rules can bend a little.
  • With the bombing of the Twin Towers, the USA Patriot Act 2001 was passed, making it more difficult to gain access into the country with tools to detect, intercept and obstruct terrorism. This is a good thing. A government does have the responsibility to protect it's people.
In March 2003, the U.S. Citizenship and US immigration Services, or USCIS, was born as the US immigration and Naturalization Service joined the Department of Homeland Security. It's function is to handle US immigration services and benefits, including citizenship, applications for permanent residence, non-immigrant applications, asylum, and refugee services. It's task is difficult and complex. US immigration enforcement functions are now under the Department's Border and Transportation Security Directorate, known as the Bureau of US immigration and Customs Enforcement.
As seen here, legislation on immigration has not always seemed to have been based on sound rational. At times it seemed self serving at best. There are a myriad of considerations to factor into the decisions made concerning who and how people enter into the USA. Current social opinions and perceptions will have a big part in the decision making. With each piece of legislation passed one has to ask the question, "Is the Golden Door still open?"

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Poetry by cloudpoet37


Life is a series of guesses we make
A random procession of cause and affect
With each choice we're offered a plethora of consequences
We cherish of suffer according to our perception
Our conscience will either accept or reject

Some of the guesses we make are so simple
To turn on a light, or open a door
But life doesn't make all our choices so easy
Emotions cloud or thinking of rational thoughts
And after the outcome we still want for more

I have been stumbling through life as a blind man
Unable to see what's wrong or what's right
I have made choices, both good ones and bad ones
Some have profited, but most of them have lost
I shudder to think that this is my plight

Some say there's a book that has all the answers
A guide that will take us from cradle to grave
I have been searching for such a vast reference
Reading through volumes, but it still escapes my grasp
Most say my guesses just save or deprave

So as I wander through life's endless chasms
Wondering to go to the right or the left
Making the road map that no one will follow
The high road, the low road, or is there some other
The outcome I shall not know till my death

Then others will judge was it good, was it bad
Was my life a victory or was it a naught
But they're only guessing from their own perception
To justify their lives and put their minds at ease
Such are the rules that they have been taught

So after my passing don't place any value
On something that only is fathomed by one
I have experienced every emotion
The catacomb of my psyche is full as I see
My life will be victory when all is done

Copyrighting Your Works

Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works. This protection is available to both published and unpublished works. Copyrights are procured through the Library of Congress at:

Library of Congress
Copyright Office
Publications Section
101 Independence Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20559-6000

You can also call them at (202) 707-3000. Copyrights can be secured for both published and unpublished works. A work that was created (fixed in tangible form for the first time) on or after January 1, 1978, is automatically protected from the moment of its creation and is ordinarily given a term enduring for the author’s life plus an additional 70 years after the author’s death. Even though the work is "protected" from the time of its creation, registering with the Library of Congress will create a credible date for legal purposed.

As a musician and songwriter, I have utilized the "poor man's copyright" in the past. With the poor man's copyright, the creator of a work simply mails himself/herself a copy of the work. When it is received, it is not opened and the postmark on the mail can be used to prove an approximate time of creation and will hold up in most courts of law. Many people do this because they think an "official" copyright is too costly or hard to get, but that is not the case.

Call or right the Library of Congress to get a packet sent out to with all the forms needed to have your work, or works, copyrighted. The cost of having a piece copyrighted is $45.00. If you have a lot of songs, you can do them all together under a collective name and pay just the one fee of $45.00.

Whatever work you do may seem insignificant, but you never know when lightening will strike. It is always better to be protected.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Marrying a Foreigner (Getting them here!)

A year and a half ago I married an angel from the Philippines. We talked online and on the phone for about 2 years and I went there before we were married.

Then came the task of getting her a visa to come to the states. Now there are people out there who will tell you that you need to get a lawyer and spend thousands of dollars to achieve this. NOT SO!! It is true that it will take, and it took me, approximately one year to complete, but the process is quite easy. The USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) well take you step by step through the entire process.

Once here, the site will also instruct you on what to do to get citizenship paperwork stared, green card, ssi card and just about anything you want and you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to do it. And to spite what some people may say, there is nothing you can do to speed the process!!

Credit Card Fraud (What to do when it happens)

A friend of mine recently had what he thought was a fraudulent charge on his MasterCard while on vacation in Florida. What it turned out to be was the merchant had inadvertently charged the card twice.

There are two ways to go about correcting this: one is to call the merchant and have him credit the amount back onto the card and the other is call the credit card issuer and have them debit the merchant, by disputing the charge. Since the merchant was in Florida and he lives in Chicago, it was more expedient for him to have is credit card issuer recover his funds. If the merchant had been a local business, he could have just as easily went back there to have his card credited to achieve the same results.

The thing to remember is that if you do feel your credit card has been used fraudulently and the merchant is uncooperative, contact the issuing bank of your credit card to dispute the charge.